Porco de duas cabeças é adotado e vira celebridade

Pic shows: Zhong Xulong and the piglet. A two-headed pig born has already attracted hundreds of curious visitors who could scarcely believe it was real even when they saw it with their own eyes. The adorable little creature, just a few days old, has two heads and two mouths, but bizarrely only three eyes. Farmer Zhong Xulong, from the village of Fengtian in Luzhou City, in south-western Chinaís Sichuan Province, said he noticed the "special" piglet as soon as it was born along with 13 of its siblings. One of the piglets in the litter is said to have died soon after being born, but surprisingly the two-headed animal survived. Xulongís dad, Zhong Guoyuan, said the family has been raising the sow for more than three years, and that it was the first time she had given birth to such a piglet. He also claimed not to have noticed anything strange prior to the sow giving birth to her latest litter. The piglet has four legs and seems to be able to eat and breathe with either head, Xulong said, adding that he is not able to explain the bizarre "third eye" in the middle of its two faces. Xulong said: "Lots of people have come to see the pig already. Someone even offered 2,000 RMB (209 GBP) to buy it off us, but I refused. "I want to raise it and see it grow up - weíll see what happens after that." Despite having two mouths from which it can feed, the piglet is now being given special attention by the family, who are hand-rearing it with baby formula and also keeping it in a special box. The tiny piglet celebrity is also being separated from the rest of its siblings so incredulous villagers can come and see the it with their own two eyes. (ends)

Olha aí. Um porco que nasceu com duas cabeças virou celebridade, após ser adotado por um fazendeiro local.

O rapaz, que está se dedicando ao animal, diz que está criando o filhote separado dos outros animais e garante que não irá vender o animal, que já é atração na região.


“Muitas pessoas têm vindo aqui para vê-lo. Alguém me ofereceu cerca de mil reais por ele, mas eu recusei”, diz ele, segundo a imprensa local. “Eu quero criá-lo e ver se ele irá crescer – veremos o que acontece depois disso”, acrescenta.

O animal consegue se alimentar com suas duas bocas, mas ainda asssim está recebendo atenção especial na hora de comer. Apesar de ter partes “duplicadas”, ele tem apenas três olhos entre as duas cabeças.

O caso aconteceu na China.


Foto: Reprodução/ CEN




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